NFL Draft
TinStar Wrote:He's won some games and he has never been on a team with the talent that the Texans have.

Yes he has.

Those Buffalo teams were very talented especially under Gaily.

Fitz is one of those guys who at times looks as good as it gets then he totally blows up. He is an interception machine that will cost you games. You thought you saw pick 6's last year? You haven't seen anything yet.

The thing about Fitz is he can beat anybody. He will have 3 to 6 quarters of superstar QB play then follow it up with 3 quarters of complete moronic play. Everything Texans think Romo is Fitz actually surpasses. Romo will play 3 to 4 great games then self implode occassionally. Fitz is the same way only it is quarter to quarter instead of game to game.

If Fitz could ever improve his decision making he could easily be a top 15 QB.

I just wouldn't count on that improving because he has way too much faith in his ability. Buffalo had some great QB teachers while he was here and imploded. Houston has a great O-Line coach but no real QB guy that will control Fitz.

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