Trotts - Heard ex-HWL get all the chicks... Roadies Wanted ?
Hey there All,

I heard that Recruiting is closed but was told I should come on over and throw my hat into the ring anyway.

I heard that Cinderkitten needed some Roadies for trips to ironforge, and thought I would offer my services.

Now who will be following the crowd ??

Trotts - 60 Warrior - Defensive Spec.. (heard rumours that CK does heal.. have yet to witness it)

Kulp - 60 Lock - something spec'd (demo destruction.. or something like that)

Both are:
Keyed for Ony, MC and BWL attuned.

I'm easy going and am not out for Phat Lootzors.. Just looking to have a bit of fun with a good group of guys.

Unfortunately right now P v P is getting a bit melodramatic for my tastes and figured the next group of people I'd want to spend my time with, would of course be The Purged.

As for my expectations: None...
What you'll get out of it: A body to fill a hole when needed, who is around alot, and will help both in BG and where ever else needed.

Sooo when the day comes that you Are Recruiting keep this old bugger in Mind.. and yes CK... you are older than I .. but not by much!

Troll Warrior.. Just look for the orange hair

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