I forget...why did we discard Albion Online?
I'll probably start a sub-forum for Albion if it looks like we're going to stick with it for a bit. But for now, some important reading:

Albion has a lot of different PvP rules. I'll try to sum up:

Non-PvP zones: where you start and around the edges of the newbie continent.

Yellow PvP zones: if you flag yourself for PvP, you can attack all other players, whether they are flagged or not. If you get defeated you lose some item durability and may drop something from your inventory. You'll drop some silver generated from the durability loss you took. You only lose it all if you click "die". Yellow is the "just for funsies" PvP zone.

Red PvP zones: same flagging system but if you get defeated then you die and lose everything.

Black PvP zones: like red but everyone is flagged.

So if you wander into a yellow or red zone and don't flag, you can't attack other unflagged players so you kinda mitigate your risk, but flagged players can still attack you and in red you are risking all your stuff. (In yellow I imagine that people would try to camp you and kill you repeatedly but you could eventually get away with that immunity-on-revive buff.)

There's also Faction PvP which sounds like it turns the entire world into a black PvP zone for anyone who is not in your faction regardless of if you're in a non-PvP area, yellow, red, whatever. If you're faction flagged for A and they are flagged for B, you can kill them and get all their stuff.

I think the take-away may be to consider keeping some spare gear around. Full loot could be incredibly lucrative but you could also go out PvPing and find yourself naked.

I think there may also be an option to build an auction house on our guild island that only we can use, so we can buy and sell gear to each other.

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RE: I forget...why did we discard Albion Online? - by Slamz - 01-27-2020, 10:33 AM

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