Crethdasneak 60 rogue
If you're here to raid, you're probably in the wrong spot my friend. Just a little bit of info, our raiding schedule is at best "sporadic" at this time. Summer does that to a guild. To be honest, we may not make another MC or 40AQ for another 2-3 months. Sure we do some 20 man, but those are not daily occurences either, and have even failed to get started for lack of interest/numbers/etc.

And there is no guarantee that you'll make every raid you show up for. We have in the past had 10-15 extra people show for raids, and someone get's left out. And it isn't based on "first-come-first invited" so just be aware of that.

So, with this info, I'll ask now how do you see yourself being an asset to The Purge, and how do you feel about our PvP policies?


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