Guild app
Restructuring? Yeah, nice way to put it.

I did alot of runs in lower lvl instances during my mining/blacksmith phase. I've helped alot of lower lvl people with instances and when i'm with Prydae I can be sure of at least three things
1) He out rolls me about 3 out of 4 rolls
2) I don't have to tell him what i'd like him to do or what's expected of him. His aggro management is great. That means he knows where he is and how to play his guy.
3) I don't have to ask if he wants to drop everything to attack an Alli that wanders into our area. He knows that we're at war.

This is more than I can say for alot of people i've grouped with.

Look him up if ya catch him on line. He's good people, just like everyone else that i've had the pleasure to play with in our guild. Don't worry if his lvl seems low, he plays it well and when the expansion hits i'm sure he'll be 60. Anyway, until people get this summer thing out of their blood i'm gonna be running with him and looking for people to group with for the 50s instances.
I told him to wait to apply, but it seemed like a good time with people playing alts and moving around. He'd be a plus to our guild, i'll lay my tabard on it and that's not a small gesture on my part. It's a safe bet though.

P.S. What, embarrassed to mention yer my brother Pry? jeez
What an evil, evil little thing this is.

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