Looking to throw in my lot with a crew of determined SOB's
So I haven't had much success finding time to play lately, a situation I hope to resolve with some freaking parenting night classes or something!

I may be captain behind the times, but bare with me...

I am not sure where to post this, as i do not have access to the POTBS alliance forum. While rummaging through Antiqua's forms, I had an Idea to limit the chaos surrounding the pirate nation and its inability to agree on tactics for port battles. The only solution I see is an agreement between the relevant and dissenting society leaders before the port battle occurs. With the limit of national contention ports a settlement needs to be reached. If there is communication between the societies this should not be a problem.

Pirates are divided, not only by society but also by server now. We remember our old servers successes but here on antiqua we've regressed tactically by 3months by going in different directions, obviously. We don't need to re-learn how to play, and those who think they can win like back on their old server, should either take the initiative by flipping a port and scheduling a leadership role or quiet down with the demands. Take a port and in advance you can count on the opportunity to lead your way.

Imagine knowing while you flip a port that your tactics will be used! I for one would love to know which society will be leading which battle before I join, and there would also be an end to all those "we need to be united" bla bla bla posts that make pirates look retarded. With such an influx of players and invite issues, the first factor of success in a port battle should be to get all leaders to stop working against each other.

If this was agreed to, the fact of overpopulation wont be an issue. Of course many friends and seasoned pvpers will not make it to every port battle. Also for example, if The Purge claimed a port and was subsequently flipped, the other society leaders would be responsible for making sure when their members join in, it would be in the capacity to follow with the battle plan, including ship choice.

The stragglers who do not post forums, or do not have a society would be no problem, eventually. They will simply be told, "this is the tactic we're implementing, so buck up and stick to the plan!"

I've gathered that Zouji and some others are working towards something similar to this, and if there is anything that I can do to assist while unaffiliated please let me know.

~Bootyswindler Brian

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