In Search of a Guild
Hi there.

Make sure you have read everything on these forums and understand them completely. We are predominantly a pvp-based guild, and although we certainly have the capabilities (and members) to do Molten Core & Onyxia, we aren't really focused on them at the moment. We do a number of PvE raids, but pvp is our "playstyle of choice" if you will.

Group with us and get to know us in game. This should be entirely YOUR effort to seek us out for groups, as we tend to stick together a lot and rarely do a lot of pickup stuff. I cannot stress this enough, either--BE FRIENDLY! Caustic personalities, complainers, and lewt whores don't last too long in the Purge.

Other than that, best of luck with your app. We don't actively seek new members, but we are always on the lookout for new people to meet and hang out with.

Take care! :wink:
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]

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