Warrior seeks the purge
Thought i would just post a bit more about myself:

played eq for about 5 years or so *hang* and personally i feel it started going downhill after kunark, i remmeber when i used to be fun! anywayz..

21\m\va if at all necessary hehe, currently attending VCU which is in richmond VA if anyone cares :wink:

i actually come over from bleeding hollow and i was in a med sized self sufficent guild where we all shared with eachother and gave things that others needed and i like that sense of "guild" if you will and i enjoy sharing and giving things to thoes that need them and as stated before being a weaponsmith i hope to make nice things for thoes who could use Big Grin

also about teh molten core phatty loot dream hehe, im not like that im pretty self-sufficient in that sense and honestly i would be happier being in a guild where everyone rocks and knows what they're doing than fighting for raid loot with everyone becuase i know how that got in eq.

anyway thanks for responding to my appy i hope to see some of you in game if possible! 8)

- Siferus

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