need pvp guild
Hi, im Phelis, and im a lvl 49 troll rogue atm; i love to pvp. I want to join a pvp guild that raids and ganks and does everything possible to make life for alliance absolute hell.

PvP is the reason i made a rogue, and after talking with Mallet, and learning that The Purge is a major PvP guild, I've had a huge interest in joining.

I also did a who /who The Purge earlier today and saw about 20 members doing MC. I would love to be able to do high end game instances on any given night which seems to be what you guys are able to do.

i am a very active player, and definitly not a loot whore.. i guess the only way to prove that is to run instances with you guys

so i hope to meet you all in game, peace out.

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