WAR App (sounds like "what's up" w/marbles in your
Name: Dred

Background: Member of Purge in WOW and Shadowbane ... until law school bitchslapped me into submission.

Graduated and now helping protect the rights of criminals

Just bought a house and will be moving this weekend.
Verizon is scheduled to install FiOS this Saturday (8/30) and I just bought a new rig to handle WOW/WAR/and the next "Big Thing" when it comes

Why Should The Purge Allow Me Back In?
wellll ...
I know most of the core members from VZ days and I make a pretty good guild member (don't ask for any handouts but always willing to help out if I can)

Also, I'm old enough to not think a game is a job and have plenty other responsibilities (wife, kids, career) to ensure that I never will (i.e., I know the definition of the word "game")

Oh yeah ...
almost forgot ...

(oh snap ... pulled the Race Card!)

Anyways ...
it'll be good to be back

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