Warhammer App
Hello all,

So the Purge is reforming in Warhammer eh? Me and my Marauder (or Chosen) would love to join again. I must admit it will be fun to kick around Dwarves, Humans, and Elves again. So what are the odds against us this time? When WoW came out, Horde were outnumbered about 3 to 1, and I expect similar odds this time. I personally predict Witch Hunters will be the Night Elf hunters of this game; overplayed to the point of obnoxiousness.

Anyhow, the WAAAGH will be under way soon, and I'd like to join it. I want my first High Elf scalp to read "The Purge Wuz Here."
Played Animality and Chud in WoW, play Rollo in Warhammer

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