Application for Warhammer!
Hello all.

Well, hum, I didn't play Horde on Crushridge! The people that will remember my character were on both sides of the fence! (I played Alliance for the slower people Smile )

I started in Lock Down at the birth of that guild and then I powerleveled Samantra thru BFD numerous time with his hunter.

Stayed with Lock Down till Naxx ( well actually they transfered to Ysondre but I didn't want to follow). Quit the game shortly after BC came out. Then I came back on Crushridge as Horde in Lock Down. Again the game bored me until I got WHO beta key. So I've been playing closed and open beta for some time.

I Pvped\played a lot with(some are retired) Elix, Rikuka, Raphaelus, Artillery(before he vanished) Tgcid, Crimore(Crim), Girre, Shintai, Crixus, Xandris, Clarke(that drowned me once(was on auto-follow) in ZG while I was having sex with my GF)!....

Some of you will remember Lock Down taking TB, failing at UC then having that HUGE PVP fest in Org... Good old times.

Then again, I want to join for the sole purpose of having a good core group to pvp with, have fun, socialize and have some good moments.

Also, I'm Canadian, with a hot french accent and a good sense of humour.

Thanks for reading!

Willing to answer any questions!!! Big Grin

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