Oli's WAR application
Character: Oli (Ironbreaker)

Why I'm applying: I've spent a couple nights PvPing with groups from the Purge in tier 2 and really enjoyed it. My current guild are good guys, but the active players are all in tier 3 and about to hit tier 4. In other words, its a little lonely.

MMO experience: I've only seriously played 2 MMO's. I played WoW a good deal and did all of the end game instances pre BC up to AQ40. The expansion came out then and I lost interest mainly due to guild drama. I also played pirates of the burning sea on the British side (Guadeloupe-Antigua server). I was a member of a small guild that wasn't terribly active so I really didn't end up doing much other than ship construction.

What I'm looking for: I'd like a group of players who are casual, but when they do play they are interested in improving their skill and understanding of the game. I'm hoping for a good mix of PvE and PvP game play from Warhammer, so I’m interested in advancing both in PvP ranks and in raid progression.

Thanks for your time and I hope to hear from you soon.
Don't Drink and Derive, Alcohol and Calculus don't mix

Oli - level 31 Ironbreaker - Ungrim server Warhammer
Michael Davis - level 50 Freetrader - Antigua Server British - Pirates of the Burning Sea
Cahir Braiden - level 43 NO - Antigua Server British - Pirates of the Burning Sea

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