War Online Application
Name: Thargurinin
Class: Rune Priest
Rank: 20
Renown: 18
Timezone: AZ (morning, daytime and early evening player)
References: Kaytwo and Khaldain (spelling ?)
Alts: Apocolypis, Chosen, Tower of Doom.

I am a questing/PVE player, who has recently moved into WAR and the RvR type game. I have played Diablo, Guild Wars, Everquest II, WOW, AOC and even the old Zelda on the Nintendo. In fact, I actually owned the first version of Pong and Asterioids. YES, I'm that old. I've been a grandfather for a few years now.

I met up with two members earlier today and ran Scenarios and Chap 9 Empire with them. Kaytwo told me I need to come here and apply.

Yes, I am one of those people who can sit and play all day, seven days a week.....lol. I have some personal issues that afford me that curse.

I don't speak any funny "Chat" or "Gamer" language. Usually, when I ask a question, "yes" is better than "hmhm"

Token Statement: "I read that whole post that you said applicants should read"

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