New Member Application - Jubei
Hey all!

I noticed your guild on! You have the highest RP on Ungrim!


My wife and I would very much like to join you. I suppose I am applying for the 2 of us in due time! It seems as if your ruleset applies to our way of gaming. We enjoy almost every aspect of WAR but are looking for a bit more involvement from the guild members we run with.

We were in Peasant Quest until today. I decided it was time to go!

Did you know that Jubei means "swordsman" in Japenese. It is the first game where this name holds true to my main class! Lvl 21 here.

I'm 28 and have a new 2 week old daughter. Come here -> to see what we are all about!

Hope to hear from you soon!

btw, I think we are in for WAR for the long haul!

~Brian (Jubei)

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