General Market Talk
I'm in for the long haul. I aint bailing on a thing. I may lose my $70 investment in General Motors, but 15 shares down the toilet isn't going to break me.

I really believe we'll be booming again in a few years. My portfolio has been slammed, but i've kept on buying. I've even upped my 401k contributions starting in December.

I even bought that Best Buy stock I always wanted. 10 shares at a little over $20/each. Yes, it's going down in value currently, but i'll pick up 10 more shares if it goes to $15. If 4th quarter earnings are dismal and the stock plummets to $10 or below, i'll probably snag a lot more. A risk? Hell yeah. But i'm worth it! :wink:

I really believe that company will do well over the next few years. If i'm wrong, i'll take the loss and move on. If i'm right, then i'm getting in during the fire sale.
The CK Machine
[Image: HWL.gif]

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