Membership Application-Wahammer
Good afternoon,

First off, let me state that I have read and acknowledged the stickies in this forum as per the requirment. I agree with the guild regulations and accept them as gospel. Also, I have no love for PvE (at least solo), but it is a necessary evil, and I will do my upmost to help where I can. However, the realm of RvR is what makes this game fun for me.

My character's name is Bricht, a level 36 Rune Priest. Previous leader of Relic on Heldonhammer before the transfers and council member (co-leader) of Blood Pact. Blood Pact was formed as a merging of 3 different guilds. After the transfer, our idea for the guild fell apart, mainly due to erratic scheduling in real life. Now, there are just 3 of us left who play; Bricht, Tympyst, and VanHeller. All 3 of us work together here in Columbus, OH. If you wish to see our past, go to the servers on server forums --- Heldonhammer. (Name on Heldonhammer is Brik, had to change it due to server transfer)

I am a 32 year old government employee, who has played Original Everquest as a guild leader/officer, World of Warcraft as a peon, Dungeon's and Dragon's online as a guild officer, and Lord of the Ring's for like a day, maybe a day and a half. I am looking for an active guild, whether it is PvE, RvR, oRvR, basket weaving, etc. I have done research on most of the larger guilds on Ungrim, and imo, The Purge has one of the better philosphies, and is more in tune with the gaming experience for which I am searching. My favorite color is green, my favorite book is Game of Thrones, my favorite food is the Calorie, and I do not like long walks on the beach, short walks are fine though.

I usually play on weekdays from 7pm -10pm EST, and a little bit on the weekends, barring any dates I may have with my wife (who also plays).

If you see me online, and you need a healer, let me know. Regardless of whether my application is accepted or not, I am always willing to help.

I somehow get the feeling that I should probably attach my resume. I have it on file if requested, along with numerous character references. =)

Bricht - Rune Priest

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