would like to join
I'm lv 57 shaman name is onanu. Been playing since beta jumped around a little have tried every class (except pally can't stomach the alliance that much). I really don't do much besides go to work and play WoW. Love pvp really like killing alliance this game seems to have more strat in pvp than most. Instances are fun but pvp is just more fun. This game seems to be a game of territory and i personally feel contested zones should be horde, i'm generous so i'll let the alliance have duskwood if they don't piss me off. Really liking BG but wish i could get in a good AV group every once and awhile though. Currently in the guild shrug, very nice guild nice players, but it's a very pve orientated guild looking for a more pvp orientated guild. Looking for people to discuss pvp and group pvp tactics/strat. Very relaxed player, like to help out other players, like to think of new ploys and team strats to kill alliance with. Hope to see some of u guys online.

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