I would really like to join Purge!
Here are the questions that you NEED to answer:

You are wandering through woods. You find an Alliance member who is fighting a bear and losing.
Do you:
a) Help him by attacking the bear
b) Attack him and kill him
c) Attack him and kill him and spit on his corpse
d) Attack him just enough to make sure the bear wins
e) Watch him and attack him if he beats the bear
f) Wait for him to beat the bear and rest back up to full health and mana before you attack him
g) Keep moving

Question 2.
You spot a Horde and an Alliance member having a fight.
Do you:
a) Join the fight immediately.
b) Check guild tags and character names and see if this is someone we're allied with or someone you don't like before joining the fight.
c) Ask the Horde member politely if they are having a duel, because he might not want your help.
d) Evaluate your chances of winning and join the fight if it's not suicide.
e) Keep moving

Question 3.

You and 4 friends are doing a difficult quest. 2 Alliance show up. They are not aggressive and indicate they will help you kill NPC's to help you complete the quest faster. What do you do?

a) Let them help you complete the quest faster.
b) Kill them.

Question 4. here's a tricky one!

You are alone and completing a difficult quest. 5 Alliance show up. They are not aggressive and don't seem to mind it if you hang out and do your quest. Do you:

a) Scream "ARRRGGGHHHH" and charge them in a suicidal kamikaze blitz
b) Leave
c) Call for more Purge to come help kill them
d) Quietly keep doing your quest


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