Membership - Rogor
Let me start by saying "I read that whole post you said applicants should read" Tongue

I am one of the guys Dragon mentioned in his post. When we started new characters on Ungrim Arumn was a White Lion but I deleted that toon to transfer another toon with the same name. I am currently playing Rogor as my main lvl 27 Rune Priest. I also have a couple alts Arumn a lvl 20 Warrior Priest and Vonder a lvl 11 Rune Priest.

I am kinda behind everyone else in the leveling department because I also play in a Team Fortress 2 clan that plays multiple matches a week.

I have to admit I have seen some Purge and PvP people around but I haven't had the pleasure of really grouping with many of you yet.

I played multiple MMO's over the years primarily DAOC, some Everquest, and Everquest 2.

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