Application - Elric
Yes, I read the whole "post you said applicants should read". :wink:

As mentioned in the post by Dragonzfire, I am one of the group of people looking to join The Purge. As for info on me specifically...

Warhammer Online
Main Character: Elricaeus (Lvl 40 SM - 1h/shield)
Alt: Elricir (lvl 7 Runepriest that I rolled yesterday) Tongue

Other recent MMO's that I have played...

World of Warcraft
Lvl 70 Hunter and several alts in 30's to 50's range (formerly Guild Leader of a guild on Malfurion)

Age of Conan (sad, I know)
Asmodean (lvl 80 HoX)

Dark Age of Camelot
Lvl 50's of Vampiir (Elriciir), Valewalker (Elricaen), Ranger (Elricaedo), several alts in their 30's - 40's, and buffbot account.

EVE Online, Everquest (I & II), Guildwars, Stargate Worlds (yawn), Anarchy Online, 9Dragons, City of Villains / Heroes, Asheron's Call, Diablo (I, II, III), Eudemons, Lineage (I & II), LOTR Online, Planetside, Rakion, Tabula Rasa, Ultima Online, Vanguard, and more that I can't remember offhand...

I am 24, living in Central Time (USA)... I usually play a few hours every night, with more time on Tuesdays and Saturdays. I am big into PvP, but I like to do some PvE every now and again to keep some variety. I use Ventrilo daily, and I have TS installed if I absolutely have to use it.

For more info, please feel free to contact me in-game. See you around!

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