Shawonda Level 60 Druid With Few Skills
I've been away from WOW for over six weeks. That seems to be the equivalent of one year in MMORPG time. During that time, my old guild, Big Bad Baddies has folded into Purge and many old friends have disappeared. Although they might reappear, just as I have done, since that is the way of online games.

I was at a six week writing workshop, where I spent 4-5 hours a day in classroom sessions and critiquing, then another six to ten hours a day on writing and reading and assignments. No time for gaming!

That was my longest stretch away from gaming since 1999, a fact which shames me greatly, to be honest. I have no plans to be as immersed in gaming as I was back in the evil days of Everquest on Vallon Zek. The first two years of EQ formed a gaming experience that has not been duplicated and I suspect never can be for those of us who were there. I've come to accept that as a good thing, since I put a big hole in my life at the time. But damn, it was fun while it lasted.

So here I am with a level 60 druid that I vaguely remember how to play. My plans are to dabble in WOW a couple hours a night, but I don't know my work schedule yet, so I'm not sure how often and for how long I'll play. As for my play style, I plan to continue being the drama queen and loot whore that you all remember so fondly doing through Everquest and DAoC. And a dirty PKar on top of that. Smile

I look forward to seeing familiar names in game.
Barb Shaman EQ
Midgard Skald DAoC
Shawonda, Tauren Druid, WOW

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