Mwadeebic 60 Warlock
In game name is Mwadeebic, orginally on the bleeding hollow server but sick of the 30 min qeues at night so i took the server transfer. I have been in quite a few guilds, but a lot werent active enough, or some were "asshats" and others i personally just didnt like. When i hit 60 i wanted to get in a new guild, a good guild. Generally i just want a fun group of people to play with and talk, i enjoy both extensive pvp and pve, and i like helping out people new to the game and or the warlock class. In RL my name is dan iam 17 one year left of highschool then college. I work at gamestop for those of you who live in U.S. for those who dont it is a video game store. I like to relax a lot and just get the most out of life that will make me happy without making other people suffer, i also take it upon myself to help other people no matter what the cost.

Well there is a lil bio, much more about me as well everyone is to learn below is also a formal application. Thank you for your time and enjoy hunting wether it be mobs, or alliance Big Grin


haracter name: Mwadeebic

Class: Warlock

Level: 60

Talent Build: 39/12/0

List your previous guilds and why you had left them: <Hordes wake> A Bleeding hollow guild where the leaders were not active

Have you had any previous raid experience? If so, was it from WoW or another game?: I have experience from EQ, WoW, EQ2

A little about yourself: I work at GameStop, Play WoW everyday while still maintaining what you would call a "social life".

What are your connection and computer specs?
Intel® Pentium® 4 CPU 3.40GHz
1024 RAM
GE-Force 6800 Ultra

What times are you available to play:
From dusk till dawn ( all day ).

Tell us how your character's class should be played in a raid situation:
Well the "sm/ruin" loc's role consists of shadow bolt, shadow bolt, shadow bolt, and then change it up with a shadow bolt. Currently my spec is 39 affliction 12 demonology. 3 in improved imp for a 54 passive bloodpact that stacks with power word fortitude, and improved healthstones for whole raid. Next patch the debuffer limit is being increased from 8 to 16 on mobs and bosses, making my spec very useful.

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