Application-lv 60 mage
Char name- DarkSchnider, not to be confused with the alliance mage Drkschnider whom I've yet to see in game.

Race/class- Undead Mage

Professions- 267 Enchanting, 130 Mining, 248 First Aid

Talent spec- 28arcane/23fire(arcane instability and critical mass build). I was frost spec'd at one point and am willing to go back for MC and other such purposes.

Previous guilds- I started out with <The Accursed> At a lowly lv 11ish, which later became <The Burning Shadow> due to our leader going inactive. This guild fell to the same fate and we merg'd with <Covenant>. I never truly clicked with the members of this guild, and my lack of support for their MC efforts ended up with me being kicked(I'll go into more detail if you'd like, just ask and I'll explain it all).

A bit about myself and such- I'm 20 years old, soon to be 21(in october). I attend culinary school which I'm going to be graduating from this year, and I currently work in the kitchen of a seafood restaurant(working 50+ hours a week, so until labor day my activness will be quite limited). I consider myself a rather nice guy, easy going, know how to take a joke and I speak my mind openly and oftenly(so please, if I say something to offend you or if I start to annoy you, let me know and I'll do my best to stop).

About my character- Darky(A.K.A. Wanda from some covenant members...amusing story actually, we were in mara and fighting Princess without a real tank, so it came down to me and the hunter. I ran out of mana completely(after using jewel and evocation), so I shot her 3 times with my wand and killed her) is fairly equiped, but by no means "geared up". 3 pieces of magister's, gemshard heart, stormrager, blood of the martyr, and the focal sword are probably my highlights, and lv 55 water

How a mage should opperate in a raid/closing remarks- From what I've gathered on the raids I've been on, and other such dungeons like LBRS, the mage's jobs are CC and dmg. I try to use polymorph on every pull just to make life a bit easier, pull casting mobs with counter-spell, and remove curses. I've also become more leniant on dieing, depending on when it happens and how fast. During times that require AoE's I normally expect to die, especially in pickup groups.
I've grouped with a few members of the purge before, good peoples whom I've got no complaints about. Hope you'll accept me into the guild, and if not then good luck with all of your adventures.

Thank you for your time,
Kev Bo(Darkschnider)

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