Kindle 2
Jakensama Wrote:
Diggles Wrote:until they can make startrek like datapad, i'm not interested

power seems to be the bottleneck at this point

You can't get the Atlas Shrugged coloring book on this thing yet anyway.

I was actually about to buy that book (in paper form).
"Hamilton is really a Colossus to the anti republican party. Without numbers he is an host within himself. They have got themselves into a defile where they might be finished but too much security on the republican part will give time to his talents and indefatigableness to extricate them. We have had only middling performances to oppose to him. In truth when he comes forward there is nobody but yourself who can meet him. His adversaries having begun the attack he has the advantage of answering them and remains unanswered himself. For God's sake take up your pen and give a fundamental reply to Curtius and Camillas" - Thomas Jefferson to James Madison

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