What's a Hunter to do?
Well, guys, some of you know me, some of you don't.
I'm not the best Hunter out there, but I'm not the worst, I don't think?
I'm a soloist that understands the importance of the team concept.

I recently left my guild, of which I was a member/GM for 4 years, that guild was originally started my me and evolved over time to it;s current state in WoW, we started in DAoC. I found that my goals and theirs were heading in different directions, so it was best that I go at it alone to rach my goals.

Those of you that have ran with me in WSG , understand that I'm here for PVP and the rewards from the ranking system. I'm a deteremined individual and I WILL reach CHampion rank within these next couple of weeks.

Why am I here? Good question, and to be honest, I'm still hesitant to join a guild... my old guild is still like family to me and always will be, and that is making it very hard for me to actually join another guild. But, I have goals to reach and those goals are getting harder and harder to do nonguilded. I think we are mostly all aware of the recent influx of transfers and other players that are making up the current level of Pugs at teh WSG portal... it's down right tiresome at times.

Am I ready to join a guild, is The Purge for me.. all the questions that have been going on in my head the last week or so.

I',m a competitve person, I take advice, I give advice, I don;t tolerate cheating, and unfounded disrespect of the opposite faction. I'm here to kill them, beat them and use them, but I WILL pay them the utmost respect they deserve in stepping to the plate against us.

If you think this is something that would mesh well with your guild, then contact me in-game, if not, then we will all go abotut our ways, striving still, to reach our goals.

Good Luck to you all and to all you other applicants that seek guildship. I've ran with Purge quite a bit in WSG and they are a great bunch of folks.

Thank You


[edit] It might actually help if I were to put my character name up here....

Samantra....60 Orc HUnter

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