Warlock Application
Hi my name is Tim (Dyrocles in game).

These are my details:

Name: Dyrocles
Class: Warlock
Level: 35
Time Played (on this character): 5 days 15 hrs
Spec: Affliction

About me,

i have been playing on crushridge since december 10th ish, can not really remember. originally rolled a rogue, and leveled to 60 over 4 months. I was a member of the Mechanical Squirrels and then a member of Retired Squirrels. I Left RS due to fall outs within the leadership, i had organised succesful UBRS raids (got us to point doing 1.5hrs and no wipes), Molten Core (killed lucifron twice before fall out) and many other instances.

I got alot of PVE skill and knowledge but i love to PVP, always sitting in WSG que hoping for a game! I enjoy a good laugh while PVPing and PVEing. Im not a serious gamer, what mean by this im not all about loot or whatever, if you ninja my item ill get over it pretty quick.... I enjoy the community atmosphere and friendships built while making alliance do corpse runs Smile

My reference is Volktar aka Unurthed who is a good mate mine for sometime now.

Thanks For listening

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