6/13/06 - Applicants Welcome (Please Read)
6/13/06 - Applicants Welcome

We are accepting applications from those folks that are interested in joining up with The Purge. By now, you most likely already know that we are mainly focused on PvP but we do enjoy some raiding as well. This guild will NEVER be about the loot. It will be about having good times with your guildies.

Before you even think of writing up an app... make sure that you have read the Announcements and stickies throughout the forum. Especially the ones in the 'Appications' section and in the 'The Purge' section. Those explain what we are all about.

Applications remain closed to ALL Assclowns.


OLD Announcements:

12-5-05 | Recruitment Temporarily CLOSED

At the current time, The Purge is not accepting any new applications.

Please check back in the near future. Also, continue to group with us. Nothing is ever written in stone, and if you fit well with us exceptions can always be made.

Of course, RL friends and family will always be considered expempt from this rule. Also, those folks that we have a good deal of history with will be considered exceptions to this as well. If you aren't sure if you fall into this category... chances are you don't.

Thank you.

8-31-05 | Applicants Welcome

Please feel free to post up an application and start grouping up with us to see we make a good match.

***PLEASE be aware that the process could potentially take some time. We do not accept new people because we 'need' them, but because we 'WANT' them to be in the guild. With that said, Purge does not just invite anyone out of the blue. You will need to spend time with many of our members so that we can get a feel for you. If it works out, great... you will get an invite. If not, we will let you know and everyone will go their separate ways.

Thanks for the interest in The Purge


8-17-05 | Recruitment Temporarily CLOSED

At the current time, The Purge is not accepting any new applicants.

Please check back in the near future. Continue to group with us. Nothing is ever written in stone, and if you fit well with us exceptions can always be made.

Thank you.


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