Wonder Woman on Blueray
Yeah, I mentioned in that TV thread that my new HD TV might actually be *too* good. It's hard to put my finger on the exact reason, but the high level of detail can be distracting. It reminds me of watching old Dr. Who episodes, where the flaws in lighting and set design were all too obvious. Take a new show that doesn't have that problem and watch it in HD and bam, there's that problem again. Stargate: Atlantis in particular I think I might actually like better in standard definition.

However, CGI and animation always looks awesome in HD. So much crisper, and rather than bringing out flaws, I think it tends to help it come across as the artist intended.

That said, in my experience, things I enjoyed as a kid are often a lot less enjoyable when I buy them on DVD and go back to watch them. Always a big feeling of "I really used to like this?"

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