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Zeeroh Wrote:couldn't help but notice you accidentally got your syntax mixed up. I fixed it for you. Yeah, those Germans are pretty crazy. Their board game and confectionery technologies however are far more advanced then our own...

While their board game market certainly has revitalized the chaundra (sp?) their designs totally suck a dirty ass.

They are the ultimate thing I hate. Their are some consistant themes. Very little competition, no attacking, almost multi-player solo games.

The last one was my last straw.

"Space Pirates"- Basically an econ game that if you try to play as a Pirate with combat assures you will lose the game. The days of screwing over Dophuz with in the first 3 turns of the game are over. Hence they are not designs I would play.

It is come to the point where we change the rules in the first 15 minutes of play time just to enjoy a purchase.

Their board games suffer from a severe lack of play testing. Essentially they are all Brittney Spears. They look good, have bad rules, then eventually crash and burn after you have played them more then 3 times.


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