SciFi channel changing name...
I knew SciFi was destined for mediocrity the day they canceled Mystery Science Theater 3000 and then continued airing the same utterly shitty, outdated movies, but without the funny. You don't cancel a cheap show and then replace it with something which is unarguably worse.

But yeah, no SG-1, no Atlantis, almost out of BSG, the channel has nothing anymore. I've tried watching a couple of their made-for-TV movies and can never get through more than about 10 minutes. (Although Tin Man wasn't bad.)

Although I don't put the blame entirely on the SciFi channel. Hollywood in general has had a real problem with creating good sci-fi shows and movies. "Aliens" is probably my favorite sci-fi movie in the world and when I try to think of other sci-fi movies that are up there with it in quality, it's a mighty short list. The sci-fi section of any video store is like a who's-who list of movie failures.

I mean, would it be that hard to do some kind of "Aliens" series? Have the prices of 1986-era special effects not come down in 20 years?

Or a new Star Trek show that doesn't suck. (I didn't like Enterprise.)

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