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[BSG general-knowledge spoilers]

Over the progression of BSG, I just felt they undermined almost every character to where I didn't like them anymore.

Admiral Adama goes from hard-nosed, tough-but-fair captain to drooling in his oatmeal, crying all the time and smearing paint on the walls.

The president likes to put POWs out of the airlocks and has at least one emotional breakdown every 4 episodes.

The Chief was cool, then annoying, then more annoying, now he's cool again.

Kara goes nuts and also apparently dies and comes back, still mostly nuts, if not nuttier.

Dualla shoots herself in the head out of the blue.

Boomer (and her many clones) are prone to bad decisions and outside manipulation. And now crying fits.

Gaeta goes into perma-sulk and tries to take over the ship and dies.

Anders, uh, gets turned into a ship.

They even killed off that one female marine sergeant who was pretty cool and kept showing up as a background character.

And the whole Pegasus saga, particularly that one 2-hour offshoot, was just a parade of unlikable jackass characters.

For a while, there was actually no single character in the show I liked or could in any way identify with.

The only people I like now are ones I used to dislike: Saul turned out to be the new tough-as-nails guy and Helen is a good deal less annoying since she got killed and came back. Even Six and Baltar (who I initially could not tolerate) are more interesting (now that he has embraced his flaky, hippie ways). By comparison, I find most of the characters in "Lost" to be interesting, even the bad guys. They aren't as outright annoying as most of the BSG characters turned out to be.

I basically think the BSG writers heard somewhere that it was better to have "complex" characters, so they made sure to include a solid reason for disliking everyone on the ship, and killed off anyone else.

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