Application Information
Hello All,
I am new to the Crushridge Server but not WOW. I have some scumbag Alliance on Lightnings Blade, 60 Rogue, 36 Druid and a 42 Paladin. This is my first time playing Horde and I LOVE it. I do not plan on going back to the "other side".
I am currently playing a 37th level Shaman, man do they rock. I have been through three Guilds since starting this toon and man have they been terrible. Nobody is ever on, talks or gets together for anything. I need to find a good Guild that I can grow with and kill some Alliance scum along with the occasional instance run. My friend happened to be on the other night with me and told me of a group LF2M for SM. so I whispered to Mujus and they let me join and summoned me to SM. It happened to be a group of three from Purge. We managed to get and other and did very well on the run. I liked how everyone worked together and kept me healed since I was the "Tank", lol. I would like to continue working with a Guild that has fun and works well together.
Thank You for taking the time to read this and I hope you see to letting me join the ranks. Cya in game.

Loathesome, 38th lvl Shaman
For The Horde

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