Kitchen renovation
I didn't buy, I built Smile... the house is a 1206 sq ft raised bungalow. 2 bedroom and 2 bath. It is on a corner lot and the house cost me $170,000 to build. There are a few factors into it though. My dad is a general contractor(connections to lower prices). I work at Nelson Lumber, Cost +10% on materials. We estimated $60,000 in sweat labor for the Mortgage. As the only stuff I hired out was, electrical, drywall/mudding, plumbing/heating, shingles, concrete work, and carpet.

With the help of my dad and brother, we framed the house. I insulated/poly. I painted, installed the cabinets, baseboard/trim, hung the doors, laid the tile, nailed the siding. This summer, Ive got fence and yard to do.

Good luck to you on your project Moristans. I find if you do more of the work yourself, you will enjoy it even more Wink.
Kakarat Keys ~ Thief ~ Guild Wars 2
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Riona ~ Knight of the Blazing Sun ~ WAR:AoR
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Eef Eigten[F-18]~ 60 Aracoix Rogue ~ Shadowbane
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