New Recruit for Ya
Hello - Im a 29 level Warrior looking to join your guild. I am good friends with (and related to) Abramzz and Windbender who became members of your guild in the last month. I get online fairly often and can play my character fairly well. I love PVP but am maily focused on geting this character leveled up for now (at least till I can get a horse and my plate armor) before playing a lot of PVP. You guys sound like an active guild so I am definitely interested in joing your group to meet some cool people to group with for tackling the end-game content with when I reach level 60 and for dominating PVP.

Goal: I'm a blacksmith/miner and I want to craft and create the Hand of Ragnaros and be the baddest PVP warrior on Crushridge!
Buzzsaw - 60 Orc Warrior
Fury for the WIN!

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