Kaaris, 60 Warrior
Hi guys,

I am seeking a good guild for PvP and to do the end-game instances. I have 2 characters which I am active on atm, my warrior Kaaris, and Lechainn, my mage (52 atm). I transfered here from Ner'zhul because I didn't like the eliteism of the guilds on that server. I would much rather do MC/Onyx/BWL w/ a coherent team that doesn't bicker amongst themselves. I've been playing WoW since open beta, and before that I had 4 years experience in DAoC (midgard/Merlin).

My Warrior is attuned atm, and im sitting at the Test of Skulls quest line for my Onyxia key.

Warrior is 300 mining/76 Enchanting (mainly for disenchanting)
Mage is 289 tailor/260 ench

I do have TS and Ventrilo, though my headset is broke atm. (cord caught my shoe and slammed it on the ground :\ )

Would also like to do the battlegrounds with a nice team. Starting to get sick of the indiviuality of pick-ups.

If you wish to contact me, give a tell to Lechainn, as im working hard on getting him 60 atm. I usually just pop on Kaaris if there's a strat run or other instance group forming right now.

See you all in game.


For the Horde!

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