July 20th 1969 Moon landing
Slamz Wrote:
Diggles Wrote:Proving that landing on the moon with a 40k lb thrust rocket would require going to the moon...which hasnt happened as of yet.
So, conveniently, you have a left field hoax claim which you can't actually back up in any way. You cannot demonstrate, apparently on any scale, what 40k lb of thrust would do to a lunar surface, yet you stand behind your claim that it proves it's a hoax?

I'd say you could prove it, it would just cost money and apparently nobody is confident enough that they are right to spend that kind of cash to find out.

Get a rocket capable of producing 40k lb of thrust - doable but expensive.
Replicate a lunar surface - doable, probably not that expensive.
Apply thrust to surface.
See what happens.

This is like the old "a jet didn't really hit the Pentagon" claims.

Get a jet - doable but expensive.
Build a replica of a side of the Pentagon, to specs - doable but expensive.
Slam the jet into the replica.
See what happens.

I guess it's easier to come up with nutty claims than it is to actually prove them.

Its kinda hard to replicate large scale low gravity when you're on earth and land a rocket while doing it. They've used small scale using sand/gravel and it left quite a huge hole.
[should not have shot the dolphin]

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