July 20th 1969 Moon landing
Vllad Wrote:For the idiots who think it was a hoax. Especially for those not alive when it happened, do you have any idea how dumb you have to be to believe it was a hoax?

We are talking Jessica Simpson dumb where you ignore all of the scientific facts, the 400,000 people that worked on it directly, another 200,000 people that worked on it indirectly, radio telemetry, all physical proof and the fact that the very people who would want to discredit it confirmed it, the USSR.

If you weren't alive at that time do you have any idea how public this program was? Every amature in the world was given direct information on how to catch radio feed back or given constant updates for astronomers to follow their progress.

God couldn't have pulled a lie like that off.


noone ever said the entire thing wasnt real. did they launch a ship into space, certainly. Did it get to the moon and land people there and get back off? no

There is video evidence of the astronauts using camera/visual illusions thru the porthole to simulate 'moving away from earth', which is pretty damning.
[should not have shot the dolphin]

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