July 20th 1969 Moon landing
Diggles Wrote:So based on your logic, you believe in UFO's (radar recordings) and Bigfoot is real (plaster cast of footprints).
So here's Part 1 of where your thinking is wrong: you're not adding up scientific evidence. If you think evidence for bigfoot is on par with evidence for landing on the moon then you're not seeing the difference between a molehill and Mt. Everest.

When there are miles of NASA videos of bigfoot walking around and lots of highly trained, scientific minds who were there, shot the video and personally poked bigfoot with their finger, I will believe in bigfoot.

Your thinking seems to be more along the lines of doubting the existence of gorillas. It's like there are mountains of evidence that gorillas are real and live in forests and enjoy the taste of bananas but for some reason you're claiming that gorillas are all a hoax perpetrated by Greenpeace for nefarious reasons. How much evidence do you require before you believe in gorillas?

Quote:Whats your verdict on the Loc Nes Monster, or does it have to be video only?
Here's part 2 of where your thinking is wrong: it is possible to approach a claim with a scientific method and demonstrate, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it is a hoax.

The biggest proof that the Loc Nes Monster is a hoax is the history of the Loc itself. I was watching a show on this a couple months back where they explained that Loc Nes doesn't even date back to the time of the dinosaurs. It was carved out by a glacier during some past ice age, long after all the dinos were already dead. Even if there was a dinosaur survivor somewhere on the earth, it would not be in Loc Nes. (They've also done exhaustive radar and sonar searches of Loc Nes and turned up nothing.)

That's how you make a proper hoax claim:
* Lack of solid evidence behind the original claim
* Ability to offer scientific proof of the contrary

Moon hoax claims fail at both of those. There is a mountain of solid evidence that it really happened and there is no scientific proof to the contrary.

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