July 20th 1969 Moon landing
Thudz Wrote:Actively believing something was a hoax and trying to disprove it is one thing. Holding out on some real data that can't easily be written off is another. Again, I don't care if we did or didn't since like we've discussed, our space roads aren't paved yet. Consider me a skeptic that wants to believe but will need more then a fake looking video filmed in slow motion and reflectors that could be placed on an unmanned mission.

Since Diggles is drinking cool-aid and I will just move to your question on this hoax.

Instead of looking at 40 year old video which can be deceptive as any football fan can tell you let me point you towards some evidence you can find yourself since the pure science isn't enough.

*Look up the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter or LRO. I believe it recently flew over a number of Apollo sites taking pictures of things like foot prints, lunar lander, lunar vehicle etc. They are still sitting on the moon.

*Their are a number of observatories across the US similiar to the Griffith in LA. They will do spectralgraphs of the moon. They know the exact location of every moon landing. They can fire a beam of light and get a spectral return that will tell you basic artificial make up of the man made items sitting on the moon. These are 100% accurate and do not lie. Every astronomy student in the last 40 years has done this at least once. The old spectralgraphs also show the ship emissions (especially used in take off) or in other words the smaug we left behind.

*Look up the radio telemetry tapes from Apollo 11 to 17 (including 13). The tape telemetry can not lie. They are proof of the exact fixed location of each transmission of every Apollo mission. These tapes prove what the exact original location of each transmission was. (this also proves the transmissions weren't bounced.) These tapes were recorded at Goldstone and Parkes and were confirmed by independant locations as back up.

*Look up the quarentine studies of all of the Apollo missions. You will find some compelling information that matches exactly what they say happened. Bone loss etc. Boring but the data can't be duplicated anywhere but another enviorment that has a 6th of the gravity of Earth.

Let me know if you aren't convinced after this.


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