July 20th 1969 Moon landing
Slamz Wrote:
Thudz Wrote:If the scenes were prerecorded and then broadcast from the Apollo while in space how would someone on Earth know the feed was live? Honest question.
I dodge questions like this because they seem pointless. Why not ask, "Is it possible to create a studio recreation of Mars, plop a robot in it, drive it around, then beam the images to a satellite to be sent back down to earth as if it was coming from Mars?"

Well sure.

But what good does that answer actually do you? Would you use that as evidence that the Mars rovers are a hoax?

Nobody can tell you that "it's impossible to fake a moon landing" anymore than they can tell you that it's impossible to fake a Mars rover. Of course it's possible to fake it. But that's a far cry from actually claiming it's fake.

If someone doesn't believe we landed on the moon, what ELSE do they not believe in?

Do they believe we launched the Voyager space probes?
Do they believe in the close-up photos of Saturn taken by passing probes?
Do they believe we landed rovers on Mars?

The real argument here is probably a question of "reasonable doubt". Where does doubt cross over from reasonable to unreasonable? How much evidence is needed to claim "this is real, beyond a reasonable doubt".

Or maybe more to the point, if we launched a manned mission to Mars tomorrow, what would it take to convince you that it was real? If videos, documentaries, testimony and actually seeing the thing fly into space is not enough proof, what would be?

Again you are trying to deflect. The conversation is about the Moon landing in 1969, not anything else. Why try an drag other events in?
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