July 20th 1969 Moon landing
Really? I imagine that getting them off of the moon is the easy part.

Just guessing, I would suggest the hardest part is actually doing the moon landing itself. You have to get into orbit and then decelerate and get it just right for the landing, not to mention trying to hit a flat spot. Blasting off is just igniting your engine again -- a smaller version of what you needed to do to get off of Earth. Even Earth re-entry seems relatively easy by comparison -- you can hit the atmosphere going 50mph too fast and I imagine it wouldn't matter but hitting the moon going 50mph too fast and you smash your capsule like an egg. Re-entry + parachuting into the ocean has to be easier than landing square on 4 legs.

I basically take it on a type of faith that says, "If it was fake, people much smarter than me would be able to prove it beyond a doubt". If the brainy scientists all say it was real, I'm going to go with what they say. (There seem to be a lot more scientists who disagree with global warming than scientists who disagree that we landed on the moon.)

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