Before you shoot me...
Always amazes me when studios remove things from YouTube. It's basically free advertisement. Did they think they were going to put that one thing on DVD and sell it something? Been lots of times I wanted to post a particular snippet from a particular movie or TV show and they were all removed from YouTube. Like hey, I could have just given your stupid show a little free advertisement by posting a funny clip from it but nooooo.

Stupid execs.

Was basically a Japanese girl who won some contest apparently to go to the set(?) of Harry Potter and, I guess, hang out (looked like maybe she was there to do a "student reporter" gig for a fanclub or something). Daniel Radliffe shows up and surprises her when she's trying out the sorting hat, shouts "Gryffindor!" and she alternates between catatonic shock, deer in the headlights and freaking out. Cute/funny. Didn't watch the whole thing though.

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