This made my day.
Arsilon Wrote:How about this one.....

My son had some medical procedure done a while back. As per usual we get like 4 different bills. One from the doctor and three others from the medical facility where the procedure was performed (one for the anesthesiologist, one for the surgery suite, and another for misc. crap that was used during the procedure).

I called my insurance company to find out what the deal was with the out of network charges since they amounted to several thousand dollars. Since they were billed separately, my insurance had no idea how to deal with it and told me I was on my own to work it out with each of the providers as they pay the providers as they are billed.

When I called my doctor, they explained that they only deal with the insurance for their own services and that I would have to call the surgery facility to deal with them on my own. I explained that I never engaged their services as I went to see *you* about this issue, you told me this is what needed to be done to fix it, told me to show up at 8:00 am at that place and several hours later stuck a prescription slip in my hand and sent me on my way.

So I call the other providers and they told me they are not on my insurance and so I was charged out-of-network fees. When I told them that was absurd since I was never even asked where I wanted the procedure done and who I wanted to do the work other than my own doctor who is in-network. Am I supposed to tell my doctor where he can perform the procedure? Am I supposed to go find another doctor that happens to use an out-patient facility that is in my network? It made no sense to me whatsoever.

The response "Oh, never mind then." and that was the last I heard of it.

I always press my doctors to keep all services in network. If they can't refer us to a service in network then we don't go. I learned that a long time ago. If I were you I'd get something in writing or else I have a feeling these bill will come back to bite you. Hope it works out.
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