Xhar: Level 1 Warrior
Hi, I used to play Alliance on this same server with the same name (Xhar) he was a level 60 Pally. I deleted him and rerolled horde because I really didnt like many people on alliance. I have a microphone and Ventrillo installed.
What i can offer the guild: Good, Smart player, I understand guild before self, it is the only way a guild will be sucsessful. I am 20 Years old and I live in Michigan I work at a local nightclub as a Bouncer. I do not attend school ATM, but I plan on going back soon. What I would expect out of a guild are non-selfish people, and level 60's that know how to play their class, ORGINAIZATION in raids and pvp (hence ventrillo).

Well I am going to get leveling =] hope to see u in game.
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

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