Xhar: Level 1 Warrior
I was a member of GHoST for some time level 35-55 then i took a break from wow for a few months came back and GHoST was entirely dead so i joined the sister guild The Wratih and the people running the guild are casual gamer type players. I play this game to lvl and then PvP and high lvl instance raid, but above all else PvP i play this game very agressively i dont like to "take my time and look at the flowers" so to speak i want to power through it and get to end game fun stuff. Although The Wraith is a large guild i didnt like the casual game play mentality, taking 2 hrs to do a UD strat run with 10 people is too long, it was like that with everything we did. So I left that guild in search of nothing, really just doomed to doing Pick ups forever (wich always seem to fall apart at the final boss, or take 1hr getting ready.) Then i joined Spartas Theory. I joined that guild when there were 25 members and started to help the leader build it (this was only a couple weeks ago) the guild was for dedicated players that knew how to play their class and didnt just totaly suck. The leader (Arttreyu) knew what he was doing so i hopped aboard. Then i just thought to myself, "the alliance outnumbers horde on this server, i am getting sick of pickup groups with the same people that ninja and dont know how to play their class" so i just said screw it and deleted all my toons (60 Pally, 26 Rogue, 24 warrior, 18 mage, 18 hunter, 12 priest) and rerolled horde on this server just so i can kill the little noobie alliance players i hate so much.

Why i want to join The Purge is because i like the name first off, and most importantly i have PvP'ed against alot of The Purge and most of them seem pretty decent. Plus i hated you guys while i was a low lvl so i figured id love to play with you =] my warrior is now lvl 10 and im gunna jump back on him and lvl some more, thx and hope to talk to you guys in game =]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

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