Help from our friends to the north
First and foremost... he's from Edmonton, just north of Calgary (so like, 10hrs because canada's so F'KN not really, like 2.5hrs), which means... he's a redneck. Alberta = Texas, which means he'll only have a carnivourous diet... and it better be AAA beef, cuz thier shit is good!

Stay away from Arts & Culture venues, they don't believe in that crap. Keep em away from anything that might radically change thier views, IE Thudz/Slamz to Obamacare... keep it simple, keep it safe...

Oddly enough, they're pretty easy going about temperature... jsut stay away from vegas: too dry, too hot! Or, just give em a camel pak to carry around.

As for storage and recreation... futon should be ok, however, put some paper under it... jic. As for walks, it's summer (to them still) so they need to be out as much as possible, cuz come Oct/Nov, it gets dark at 2pm and no one goes outside due to excessive cold and snow: thus the reason why every albertian is profecient at igloo making, you never know when you might get stuck outside.

Fire & Sirens might be aproblem... I'm not sure they know what fire is yet.
WAR_White Lion_Iron Rock
Bnobo_Dark Ages_Monk/Rogue

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