Off to Japan...
Fretty Wrote:
Moristans Wrote:Why do they stare? I dont know. We are obviously foreigners so it depends on where you are in the country. In Nagano, which is fairly rural, they just dont see foreigners. In Kyoto, people barely noticed. Nobody is openly hostile regardless.

I'm just not used to that concept I guess, as I live in Canada where multiculturalism is at it's highest. Not only do I live in Canada, but I live in the town of Markham, which is the rural outskirts of Toronto (20min drive to the heart of Toronto, due to traffic mainly). I've been here my whole life, I remember when it was primarily farmland, I remember when the mall was first being built, etc. As it's grown, we have seen the second largest influx of asians, more specifically Chinese, in the whole country (Vancouver being number one from what I've heard). The ratio in our "small" town of almost 600,000 people, Chinese residents make up 2/3 of the population. The other 1/3 is a mix of pretty much everything else the world has in it.

LOL When I lived in Toronto it was at Yonge & Finch. Used to go to Markham all the time to the restaurants on Highway 7. Good Food up there especially the Asian food.

Fretty Wrote:At the same time, I have NEVER been to a place where I've been the minority. I have been to Bahamas and such, but on resorts, where of course it's no surprise to see tourists there, haha. I think I'd like to visit Japan, not just for the beauty of the land, but also for the cultural shock and the feeling of being distinctively the minority for the first time in my life. I think that would be quite the experience.

I have been the minority. When I lived in the Middle East, I was not the norm at all. In Turkey, I've had people come up to me and touch my hair (It was Blonde) because they did not believe it was real. I have been asked to leave a restaurant and a video arcade because I was an American(BTW This was in Kifissia, Athens,Greece. One of the most unfriendly places in the world). It is funny when I explain to some of my friends who are minorities here but afterwards they say it is the same treatment.


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