SGU - StarGate Universe premier
Incidentally, two of my favorite sci-fi TV episodes of all time came from B5 and Stargate. Both were basically about "the other guys". Stargate had an episode where the SG team got captured and the only people who could save them were a couple of dorky scientists who were basically just background filler characters. The whole episode was about them trying to deal with the sudden capture of the team and the fact that there was nobody around to do a rescue except them. B5 had one episode entirely from the perspective of two starbase maintenance workers. Like instead of the camera following the security chief as he rushes to deal with intruders while background characters flee, we followed them fleeing while the security chief ran past.

Fun stuff.

I think ST:TNG had an episode similar to that once, except somehow it was Patrick Stewart as Ensign Nobody. I can't remember what that episode was about though...

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