Is Passion Limited?
Last week around the same time we were discussing "Is Art Limited" I was watching a Monty Python documentory on there life story as a group.

Towards the end of the documentory there was a common theme among all of them that I have heard before.

John Cleese I think said it best. "While I do small projects from time to time to keep busy I am not as funny as I used to be. At my age you already have heard all of the jokes and quite frankly they just aren't that funny anymore".

Others of the group said pretty much the same thing but in there own way seperately.

I saw another show on about Hippies. When they interviewed some old hippies about what has changed most in there life since the 60's the answers were some what all the same as John Cleese comments.

So the question is:

Does life just continue to repeat itself and the older you get the repeditivness just gets old?


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